
My favourite three blogs

I reviewed all the blogs from members in this class. I found that almost everyone did a perfect job on following our procedures. However, I graded them all on the fomat, the content, the source website quality. And my choices are:
1.Kelsey Kubiak- 95/100
I really enjoy reading her blog. She has a smart mind on lay-out. Most of her opinions are easy to understand but impressing. Secondly, I like her blog background which is a red car. It makes the blog more beautiful to see.
2. Donohue, Patrick- 92/100
Patrick's blog is well-orgnized. I can read the efforts he put on his blog. Everything is covered pretty well following the instruments. Furthermore, he added a lot of pictures which made his blog more interesting to view.
3. Owen, Sion - 88/100
He made his blog professionly. It's easy for me to understand what he tried to present. He also did a good job on citing pictures. However, I suggested him to change the background color brighter so that everyone is able to view it more clearly.

All Quiet on the Western Front Review

“All Quiet on the Western Front” written by Erich Maria Remarque may be the definitive anti-war novel. The author describes very carefully and infectiously on the cruelty of war from both perspectives – the fight scene and soldiers’’ feelings. With 8.5 million dead and 20 million injured through the WW1, Paul lost his soul and his friends. I can see his fear and loneliness through those parts which were describing his feeling inside. The author tried to make us believe that the war is a savage force sacrificing men and boys to a patriotic ideal. More than that, the entire book also reflects a lot of shady facts in the community. On Chapter nine, a dialogue between soldiers when the empire is reviewing troops expressed to us what the author is trying to persuade. Empire and his generals all desired to be famous by conducting wars. Actually, the civilians were the final sufferers and forced to pay for the war by their treasures, land, even lives.
On the other hand, I can realize a vehement and urgent argument against the Germany leaders by Erich Maria Remarque. There was no glory in Remarque’s war. No one can get benefits by conducting a war against another regime. However, this warning doesn't make most people awake in Germany. Couple decades later, the WW2 began and finally made a huge lost and damage to the whole world including Germany. German became one of the most aggressive and guilty in the world dictionary.