
Why the EU will continue to be a pivotal organization for Germany in the 21st century

1. Economy
Germany is the second largest export country in the world. The open and advanced EU market will help German economic become more beneficial and successful.
2. Environment
With the protection and unity of EU, Germany can create and keep good relationship with his neighbors. It proveide a safer and comfortable environment for Germany to develop.
3. Currency
EU has strong strength to make Euro stable and widely used. Euro has been a catalyst for modernization and standardisation. Based on the money they use, it's more convienient and important for Germany to run their business more smoothly.
4. Global Relationship
EU offers a high reputation to help Germany make good relationship and business partership with countries around the world.
5. Market
With a size of 500 million people market, EU leads Germany to enjoy the wonderful business atmosphere.
6. Language and culture
Due to the frequent communication in EU, more and more people will get deeper understand about Germany Culture. On the other hand, German will be a more popular language so that more people are participated to learn it.
7. Nature environment
Germany has a lot of neighbours. As a result of EU well orgnized leadship, it will reduce the cross-boundary pollution and improve Germany nature environment better.
EU orgnization has powerful and strength technology research investment and facilities. It will help Germany improve their technology faser and stronger.
9. Tourism
As a result of the foundation of EU, Europeans from other countries do not worry abou visa and barriers to travel to Germany. It contributes a lot to Germany development tourism benefits. On the other hand, German are able to go travel in the every country in EU conveniently as well.
10. Higher reputation
Germany is play a big part in EU economy. If Europe wants to influence global decison-making, Germany must involve on the world stage. As a result, it makes higher reputation for Germany in the world.
11. Tax
It is a good way to eliminate high tax tariffs between countries for Germany under the EU leadership
12. Jobs
EU will provide more jobs for German and make Germany more diversity.

Work Cited:
Sprecht-Jarvis, Roland. Class handouts. 8 Nov, 2010

